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Recipe for delicious fried noodles with beef for the family

Recipe for delicious fried noodles with beef for the family


Recipe for delicious fried noodles with beef for the family

Recipe for delicious fried noodles with beef for the family


 Prepare materials:

– Investo, Ecu

– Carrots, bean sprouts, onions

– Spices: fish sauce, hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar

 Variable mode:


1st meat layer: 100 g thick beef, 1 salt powder, 2 cornstarch powder, 1 layer of fish sauce, a little sugar and ground pepper, 10 minutes

  1. Fry the eggs until cooked and then put them in a bowl. for later serving
  2. Add the grated carrots and cooked bean sprouts and place in a bowl
  3. Fry the meat until the meat changes color, add fried eggs, onions, 2 sauce powder, 1 black bean powder, 1 ton oyster sauce, some salt , noodles, stir well and add all the spice powder.complete

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