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Four Ingredient Nougat Bar

Four Ingredient Nougat Bar


Four Ingredient Nougat Bar


Four Ingredient Nougat Bar
Four Ingredient Nougat Bar – When I was little, this dish was always on my family’s Christmas table. Only adults are allowed to eat this dessert.

As an adult, I can’t shake my head. I never understood why these foods were reserved for adults, but now as I get older I understand why they are avoided.

Two packets of small marshmallows are required.
2 tablespoons melted butter
Two packages white chocolate chips
1/2 cup green and red gummies
Nougat bars: four servings
Divide in half. Prepare the baking tray by covering it with baking paper and leaving both sides intact.
Heat a pot of water until it boils.


Part 2

Cover the first pan with a heatproof plate or other plate and place over simmering water.

Small marshmallows, white chocolate and butter should be added on top. As in a double boiler, stir the ingredients in the pan until they melt.

Once everything is melted, stir.

Step 3: Carefully insert the gum drops.
Tablespoon on ready plate.
Let the nougat rest overnight to harden.
After removing the baking tray and paper, cut into strips.


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