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The Picnic Riddle: A Lesson in Critical Thinking


The Picnic Riddle: A Lesson in Critical Thinking


Riddles have been a source of entertainment and mental exercise for centuries, challenging us to think beyond the obvious and question our assumptions. The riddle presented in the image is a classic example of how language and context can be used to create a puzzle that is deceptively simple but often misunderstood. It reads:

“Mr. and Mrs. Jonah went for a picnic.
The couple has five sons and each son has seven daughters, who has three babies each.
In total, how many people went for the picnic?”

At first glance, this riddle seems to involve a straightforward mathematical calculation. However, its true solution lies not in complex arithmetic but in careful reading and logical thinking. Let’s break down the riddle to uncover its hidden meaning and solve it correctly.

Analyzing the Riddle

The key to solving this riddle is to pay close attention to the wording and focus on the actual question being asked. Here’s how to approach it:

  1. The Initial Information:
    The riddle starts by telling us that “Mr. and Mrs. Jonah went for a picnic.” This statement is crucial because it directly tells us who went to the picnic.
  2. The Family Details:
    The next part of the riddle provides details about the couple’s family:


    • They have five sons.
    • Each son has seven daughters.
    • Each of these daughters has three babies.

    These details are designed to distract and confuse the reader, leading them to think they need to calculate the total number of family members. However, the critical point here is that the riddle never says these family members went to the picnic.

  3. The Critical Question:
    The riddle then asks, “In total, how many people went for the picnic?” This is where the solution lies. The question is not asking for the total number of family members, but specifically how many people went on the picnic.

Solving the Riddle

Given the information provided and the way the question is phrased, the correct interpretation is that only Mr. and Mrs. Jonah went to the picnic. The riddle does not state that any of their children or grandchildren joined them.

So, the answer to the riddle is simply two people—Mr. and Mrs. Jonah.

Common Misconceptions and Traps

It’s easy to see how this riddle can lead people astray. Many will instinctively start calculating the total number of family members based on the information provided:

  • Five sons.
  • Each son has seven daughters (5 x 7 = 35).
  • Each daughter has three babies (35 x 3 = 105).

Adding up all these numbers leads to a large sum that can easily mislead someone into thinking that this is the answer. But these calculations, while mathematically correct, are irrelevant to the actual question being asked.

The Purpose of the Riddle

This riddle is an excellent example of how our minds can be tricked by unnecessary details. It serves as a reminder of the importance of critical thinking and careful reading. By focusing on what is actually being asked, rather than being distracted by extraneous information, we can find the correct solution more easily.


This riddle also illustrates a common tactic used in many puzzles and tests: including irrelevant information to test whether the solver can discern the important facts from the noise.

Conclusion: The Value of Riddles in Mental Exercise

Riddles like this one are more than just fun brain teasers; they are valuable tools for developing critical thinking skills. They teach us to pay attention to detail, to question our assumptions, and to think logically rather than jumping to conclusions.

The next time you encounter a riddle or a problem that seems complicated, take a step back and consider whether the solution might be simpler than it first appears. Often, the answer lies in what’s explicitly stated, not in what’s implied.

In the case of the Jonah family picnic, the riddle cleverly misleads with numbers but ultimately reminds us to focus on the core question: Who actually went to the picnic? And the answer, as we now know, is just two people—Mr. and Mrs. Jonah.

So, how did you do? Did you solve the riddle correctly, or were you led down the path of calculations? Whether you got it right or not, this riddle serves as a fun and engaging reminder of the importance of careful reading and logical thinking.


This article breaks down the riddle presented in the image, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and attention to detail. If you have any additional points or specific angles you’d like to explore, feel free to share!

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