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Homemade Whipped Cream


Homemade Whipped Cream



  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream, cold
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Chill the Bowl and Whisk:
    • Place the mixing bowl and whisk attachments in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes before starting. This helps in achieving the best results as the cream whips better when everything is cold.
  2. Add Ingredients to the Bowl:
    • Pour the cold heavy whipping cream into the chilled bowl.
    • Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract to the cream.
  3. Whip the Cream:
    • Using an electric mixer or stand mixer with the whisk attachment, start beating the cream on low speed. Gradually increase the speed to medium-high.
    • Whip the cream until it forms soft peaks, which will take about 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to over-whip the cream, as it can turn into butter.
  4. Check for Desired Consistency:
    • Soft peaks: When you lift the whisk out of the cream, the peaks will softly fall over.
    • Stiff peaks: Continue beating for a few more seconds if you prefer stiffer peaks, which will hold their shape better for piping or decorating.
  5. Serve Immediately or Store:
    • Use the whipped cream immediately for topping desserts, cakes, pies, or beverages.
    • If you need to store it, place it in an airtight container and refrigerate. It’s best used within a day or two for optimal texture and flavor.

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