Mix the butter (slightly melted) and sugar in a bowl.
Once everything is well mixed, add 3 egg yolks (leave the whites) and beat with a whisk until well mixed.
Add milk and mix with a whisk.
Once everything is mixed well, gradually add the dry ingredients: flour and yeast. Mix everything with a whisk until there are no lumps.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff.
Once the egg whites are beaten, gradually add the meringue mixture and mix gently with a spatula until well combined.
Divide the dough into two parts. Put 1/3 of the mixture in a bowl, add a spoon of cocoa and mix well.
It is made of clay, first oiled and sprinkled with flour, forming a flour “sandwich”. Pour in the first portion of white flour, then add all the flour and cocoa and finish with the rest of the white flour. Put the dough in the oven for 50 minutes (without opening the oven door). To check if the cake is ready, insert a pin into the center.
Chiffon cake model can be