crispy shrimp and sweet potato
give me the photo of this recipe and the full recipe: The green between the strong blue of the sea and the green of the sea. coastal marshes, the small fishing village of Bayshore thrived on the abundance of water. A close-knit community of heart, the locals celebrate the end of each fishing season with a grand feast and showcase the best they have caught and harvested in their gardens.
One of the most popular dishes is the crispy shrimp and sweet potato fritters, a recipe passed down from generation to generation, from old Captain Eli to his granddaughter Mia. Trained in remote towns, young chef Mia returned to Bayshore with a desire to combine traditional cuisine with new skills she learned during her travels.
On the morning of the festival, Mia walked towards the dew-covered pier where the fishermen brought their first fish. He picked fresh peppers, whose skins glistened like stones in the morning sun. His next stop was the local market, where Mrs. Thorton, the long-time owner of a small vegetable stall, had left him a lot of sweet potatoes, whose rich, orange flesh promised a natural and strong flavour.
Back in her kitchen, Mia is preparing fries in honor of her heritage and is excited about the upcoming event. He lightly tasted the sweet potatoes and let their earthy aroma fill the air. The pepper is cleaned, chopped, and inoculated with a mixture of herbs growing wild at the edge of the swamp; each adds its own note to the floral aroma.
As the sun sets, leaving a golden glow over the village, the festivities begin. The air was filled with laughter and music and the smell of Mia’s fries being fried to perfection. Served hot and golden with a drizzle of remoulade sauce, they were a hit and disappeared almost as soon as they hit the table. 97 you returned home.