This stunningly beautiful freeform pattern is called Heaven on Earth Cake. This cake is out of this world! Angel food cake is made with cherry pie filling, buttercream and light frosting.
When we think of summer as a child, we think of angel food. There’s something about this light cake paired with fruit that takes us back to those warm days when angel food bread was the only thing that would satisfy our sweet tooth without getting too heavy from the heat. We’ve gone a step further than simple angel food bread and some fruit, but the changes we’ve made have put this dish at the top of our favorites list, and you can make it any time
. Heaven on Earth Cake is what we have for you. 97) Cherry pie fillin
1 cup (8 ounces) frozen
1 tablespoon toasted almond cake (optional)
How to make Heaven on Earth Cake:
Cut angel food cake into pieces. Set aside. Whisk the pudding powder/milk/cream/vanilla in a bowl. To sit.
In a 13*9 baking pan, place half a cube on the bottom of the pan. Pour half of the cherry pie over the cake.
Repeat with half of the cake. Pour the pudding over the cake and spread it evenly.
Ice cold spoon across the lake. Place remaining pie filling on top.
Place the cake in the refrigerator for about 4 hours. Sprinkle almonds on top when you serve.