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Peruvian Ceviche with a Tropical Twist:


Peruvian Ceviche with a Tropical Twist:


Ceviche, a traditional Peruvian dish, is renowned for its refreshing and tangy flavors, created by marinating fresh seafood in citrus juices. While the classic version is already a culinary gem, this recipe introduces a tropical twist that elevates it to a new level. By incorporating mango and a touch of coconut milk, this ceviche offers a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity, perfectly complementing the fresh seafood.


  • Fresh white fish (such as sea bass or tilapia), diced
  • Fresh lime juice
  • Red onion, thinly sliced
  • Mango, diced
  • Coconut milk
  • Fresh cilantro
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Begin by dicing the fresh white fish into small cubes. Ensure the fish is of the highest quality, as it will be marinated without cooking.
  2. In a bowl, marinate the fish in freshly squeezed lime juice for about 15 minutes, allowing the acidity to “cook” the fish.
  3. Add thinly sliced red onions and diced mango to the marinated fish.
  4. Stir in a splash of coconut milk for a creamy texture.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, and freshly chopped cilantro.
  6. Serve chilled, either on its own or with tortilla chips for added crunch.

This Peruvian ceviche with a tropical twist is a refreshing starter or light main course, ideal for hot summer days or when you want to bring a taste of the tropics to your table.


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